

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Safe Storage and Use of Flammable Liquids

When considering the storage or use of flammable liquids, the follwing safety principles should be applied:

V - Ventilation - Plenty of Fresh Air
I  -  Ignition - Control of Ignition Sources
- Containment - Suitable Containers and Spillage Control
- Exchange - try to use a less flammable product to do task
S - Separation - Keep storage away from process areas, by distance or a physical barrier, For example, a Wall or Partition. 

Storage in the Workplace

Control Measures for Storage in the Workplace:
  • In a suitable container, to prevent spills and sealed to prevent loss of vapour
  • In a suitable cabinet, bin or other store container
  • In a designated area of the workplace
  • Away from ignition sources, working oa process areas
  • Capable of containing any spillage
  • Provided with hazards warning signs to illustrate the flammability of the contents
  • Prohibition signs for smoking and naked flame
  • Not contain other substances or items
Storage in Open Air

Control Measures for Storage in the Open Air:
  • Formal storage area on a concrete pad, with a sump for spills
  • Bunded all around to take content of largest drum plus an allowance of 10%
  • Away from other buildings
  • Secure fence and gate 2m high
  • Marked by signs warning of flammability
  • Signs prohibiting smoking or other naked flames
  • Protection from sunlight
  • If lighting is provided within store it must be flame proof
  • Provision from spill containment materials
  • Fire Extinguishers located nearby - consider powder type
  • Full and Empty containers separated
  • Clear Identification of contents

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