

Thursday 27 October 2016

Causes of Fire

Electrical equipment - arcing, sparks, hot surfaces created by defective electrical equipment.

Spontaneous ignition - when some liquids are heated or sprayed onto a hot surface, they may ignite without an ignition source being present

Spontaneous combustion - when materials react with oxygen an exothermic reaction takes place, i.e. heat is emitted. May cause the material to ignite or burst into flames

Smoking - discarded smoking materials. Smoking in dangerous areas, e.g. flammable vapours present

Sparks - act as a source of ignition. Friction between surfaces where a machine contact a fixed part or two surfaces rubbing or sliding together during machine operation, e.g. grinders

Hot work - welding, soldering, hot cutting, brazing. Source of ignition, be careful where flammable vapours are present. Permit to work system is necessary when not in a workshop

Static electricity - electrostatic charging is produced by induction or friction, the charge can be carried away from the source, accumulated charge can be a source of ignition

Vehicles - maintenance and parking areas. Diesel and petrol engines, emissions, and hot surfaces, e.g. exhaust system can be a source of ignition

Open flames - many sources, e.g. boilers, furnaces, portable heating appliances, pilot lights. Poorly maintained or incorrectly used equipment can be a source of ignition

Lightning - source of ignition, protection by direct earthing

Arson - high-risk, e.g. 75% of school fires are caused by arson

Lack of management systems - no appropriate detection systems, means of raising the alarm. Poor housekeeping, no training etc.

Chemical reactions

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